Open Polytechnic of New Zealand live on DSpace Express

October 22, 2019
Open RepositoryDSpace ExpressCustom DSpace
In a record time of less than one month, OPNZ was live on Atmire's DSpace Express service.
It is hard to imagine two places being further apart than Leuven, near Brussels, Belgium and Lower Hutt, near Wellington, New Zealand. Despite the 11 hours time zone difference, the Open Polytechnic of New Zealand (OPNZ) team members and Atmire successfully migrated the Open Polytechnic Online Repository to Atmire's DSpace Express platform.

Open Polytechnic needed to migrate off the DSpace based research repository as it was on a legacy server. After analysing available options, Open Polytechnic decided to subscribe to Atmire’s DSpace Express service. Atmire migrated and upgraded the legacy solution from DSpace 4.1, to the current version, 6.3. Throughout the project Atmire were easy to deal with; organised, kept us well informed, and were able to meet the tight deadlines for our migration project. We are happy to say we have a stable, modern repository with the latest DSpace software allowing us to make the most of our Research publications. Tom Avery, Library and Learning Centre Systems Co-ordinator at Open Polytechnic of New Zealand
The Atmire team and I greatly enjoyed working with the Open Polytechnic. Thanks to clear vision and very quick turnaround times on our requests to provide input and testing, we were able to upgrade and launch the repository on DSpace Express swiftly. Nick Dehoux, Atmire Project Manager

Now that the repository is live on DSpace Express, Atmire provides support and will execute subsequent upgrades to future versions of DSpace, all covered by the annual subscription to the service. Contact us today if you want to learn more about DSpace Express.

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