Mark Diggory leads the Atmire operations in the US, from our NY based office. He primarily manages repository projects in the Americas and is one of the 19 DSpace committers.
Lieven Droogmans is Atmire’s CEO and Co-founder. He is responsible for Atmire’s largest projects and serves on the DuraSpace Steering Group (SG) for DSpace.
Bram Luyten is Atmire’s Co-founder and Project Manager. Bram is a DSpace committer and formerly served as co-chair of the DSpace Community Advisory Team (DCAT). He is very familiar with our Open Repository and DSpace Express offering, as well as several of Atmire’s open source activities including RIOXX, IRUS and COUNTER.
Art Lowel manages Atmire’s Research & Development activities. His past accomplishments include both of the “Mirage” themes for the DSpace XML User Interface. As a DSpace committer, he is currently leading the User Interface developments for DSpace 7.
Ignace Deroost is Atmire’s global Sales and Marketing Associate. He has in-depth knowledge on Atmire’s DSpace based Software as a Service solutions Open Repository and DSpace Express.

Digital Poster Reception at OR 2017 in Brisbane, sponsored by Atmire.