DSpace 7 Testing

November 3, 2021
Open RepositoryDSpace ExpressCustom DSpace
Atmire and the DSpace community are gearing up for the DSpace 7 Testathon. Find out how you can contribute.

The DSpace community has a long standing tradition of inviting and involving DSpace users at large, for an intensive few weeks of testing. Called the "Testathon", this vital milestone is the final QA phase prior to major releases.

Based on Atmire testing standards, and a review of existing test definitions from the DSpace 6 Testathon, Atmire contributed the initial draft of the test plan and following two instruction videos.

Get involved!

The DSpace 7 Testathon is tentatively scheduled to take place from April 19th to May 7th, but these dates are still subject to change.

To stay involved, follow the DSpace community Testathon homepage, or join other community members in the #testathon channel on DuraSpace Slack.

Your DSpace 7 upgrade?

Are you considering a DSpace 7 upgrade with Atmire? Contact us to learn more about the different options available.

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