Your Atmire advantage

January 1, 2016
Open RepositoryDSpace ExpressCustom DSpace
Working with Atmire has many advantages. We highlighted a few below

A range of opportunities

Each repository project has its own needs and requirements. With a range of products aimed at different needs we are able to provide a range of opportunities, from a quickly set-up ready-to-use repository, to a custom build repository which is tailored to your demands. The decision is up to you.


All of our products are built upon DSpace. As Atmire has stuck to this platform, and solely that platform since 2006 we have built great experience and expertise. This expertise has led to the fact that almost 30 % of the DSpace committers, which is the group of people having autonomous control over the DSpace codebase, is part of Atmire.

US and EU presence

Atmire has offices in New York (US) and Belgium (EU). Having this presence ensures a smooth coverage of different time zones, which makes it easy to set up a meeting at a convenient time.

The DSpace advantage

DSpace has a massive community with over 2000 DSpace repositories running around the globe. The size and level of activity of this community drive a continuous development of the platform. Atmire is glad to be part of this community. Within our role as a registered DuraSpace service provider we do not only provide services for DSpace, or build repositories with the platform. We also dedicate part of our time to further improve and extend the platform.

From its nature, the DSpace repository platform already has extensive features such as easy content discovery, submissions, workflows, responsive user interface and full text search. As we take this platform as a starting point even our most lightweight products already include a full repository featureset.

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